# # Add any unit images that only appear on your computer to this file. # # The format goes as follows: # {chassis/exact} [model] [image filename] # Use exact to specify the unit exactly, for example: # exact "Marauder MAD-3R" "marauder.gif" # exact "Timber Wolf Prime" "timberwolf.gif" # You may also just specify a graphic for a chassis, for example: # chassis "Marauder" "marauder.gif" # Images should be greyscale, 84x72 pixel GIF files with the chassis centered. # The tinting process is subtractive, so make images light. # As of v0.29.61, mechset files can include other mechset files. ### Add new entries between this and end ### ### End ### # Local Client moved here to support overrides of existing images! include localclient_mechset.txt include fourtyfive.txt include poprocks.txt include burrock.txt include StevesMechset.txt include revival.txt